Crafted to maximize your education & learning experience
Eligibility for entrance, the following items are required of all applicants:
- Tour of the center in person.
- Proof of High School Diploma or General Education Diploma (GED) or higher College Degree from an accredited school in the United States.
- Foreign country high school diploma or higher credentials (must be evaluated and translated into English)
- If student does not meet the above-mentioned requirement, NO PROBLEM. Student can take an entrance exam at school known as Ability to Benefit Test provided by the school.
- Payment of registration fee.
Student who must take a leave of absence may do so, by submitting a letter to the Director stating:
- Reason for taking leave of absence.
- When applicable and/or requested by the administration, student must submit documented proof of said emergency.
After meeting said requirements, The Director will then decide whether the student will be granted a Leave of Absence or not. Documents of approval or disapproval will be signed by Director and students and a copy of documentation will be provided to student for record as well.
Students must complete 100% of their scheduled course hours. In case of absence/s, students are responsible for all course work missed and are required to make up missing time under the supervision of the instructor. After completing make-up hours, Instructor will sign/initial the make-up sheet.
Students are required to dress professionally in scrubs at “Genesis Medical Training Center” and at affiliated clinical site for rotations.
- Nurse Aide/ Assistant: White Scrubs.
- Electrocardiogram Technician (EKG): Burgundy Scrubs.
- Phlebotomy Technician: Burgundy Scrubs.
A student must always conduct themselves in a professional manner . Following conduct will be considered just cause for student disciplinary action, including dismissal of a student from Genesis Medical Training Center. Genesis Medical Training Center has the right to pursue and prosecute the student and or person involved, to the fullest extent of the law.
- Absolutely no profanity allowed at any time, or any place on or near the school premises.
- Unwarranted verbal or physical act of violence against any person, be they instructor, student, employee, or visitor.
- Unauthorized use of electronic device to record audio, video and stills at any time on the premises.
- Use or possession of illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages or firearms.
- Theft, may it be student or college property.
- Any act of dishonesty, may it be cheating or plagiarism.
- Intentional destruction or vandalism of student and/or college property.
- Violent acts or crimes resulting in mental or physical injury.
- Voluntary refusal of leaving the premises after being asked by school personal/administration.